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In our Chicago-based practice, we build a stronger community, one empowered mind at a time. With accessible mental health services, unwavering support, and a focus on collaboration, we’re here to help you navigate life’s challenges while fostering resilience and growth.

Meet our Team: Diverse Perspectives With A Shared Purpose


Amy Eiermann

Dr. Eiermann (eye-er-man) specializes in neuropsychological and psychological assessment for adults and provides supervision to the Third Coast team.

Dr. Amy Eiermann, Ph.D., is our founder and specialist in neuropsychological and psychological assessment.

In her testing work, Dr. Eiermann is experienced at using a range of well-researched and validated psychometric instruments to provide diagnostic clarification and treatment recommendations for individuals across the lifespan, with particular specialization in the assessment and diagnostic identification of ADHD and Autism in adults. She is passionate about helping individuals better understand themselves, and how they interact with others, and their environment from a strengths-based behavioral perspective to determine the most appropriate course of treatment and improve quality of life.

Dr. Eiermann completed her undergraduate degree in psychology at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, with specializations in psychopathology, leadership, and pedagogy. She earned her doctorate degree from The Ohio State University, and she also holds certification as a Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP). Dr. Eiermann has experience in a variety of settings including public, charter, and private schools, home-based therapeutic services, private outpatient therapy clinics, and private neuropsychological practice.

Dr. Eiermann completed her APA-accredited internship in Clinical Psychology with Life Skills Psychological Services in Cadillac, MI, where she specialized in psychological and neuropsychological assessment across the lifespan, including ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Learning Disabilities, Intellectual Disabilities, Emotional/Behavioral Disorders, substance abuse, PTSD, and Dementia/memory issues. Dr. Eiermann obtained her post-doctoral training in Neuropsychology at Boston Neuropsychological Services in Needham, MA, where she practiced extensively with individuals aged 4 through adulthood with neurodevelopmental and neurocognitive concerns with co-morbid psychological symptoms and psychiatric conditions, including ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, mood and personality disorders, trauma, and Schizophrenia spectrum disorders. She founded Third Coast Psychological Services after serving as the Assessment and Testing Director for Midwest Counseling and Diagnostics in downtown Chicago.

Incoming Doctoral Intern

Mackenzie Metzger

Beginning in May 2025, Mackenzie will provide counseling services for children and adults (ages 8 and up), with some assessment services.

Mackenzie is interested in meeting and working with clients across the lifespan with a diverse array of needs. She holds a special place in her heart for children, adolescents, and young adults coping with ADHD, life transitions, anxiety, depression, or working through traumatic experiences.

Mackenzie specializes in CBT, goal-oriented work, and mindfulness practices through both telehealth and in-office sessions.

Mackenzie comes to Third Coast after working as a licensed School Psychologist and Nationally Certified School Psychologist in school settings for three years. In Summer 2024, she transitioned to private practice with the desire to work with a broader array of individuals at an individual treatment level. Mackenzie will be completing her doctoral internship in psychology with Third Coast as she wraps up her Psy.D. program with the Chicago School of Professional Psychology for the 2025-2026 training year.

If you are interested in learning and working together with Mackenzie on reaching your functional and mental health goals, reach out to us today to join her waitlist for services beginning in May 2025!

Interested in a New Role?

This Could Be You

Looking for a new role? See here for more information about joining our team!

Third Coast is dedicated to fostering organic growth within our team. We welcome applications from individuals who resonate deeply with our mission and values, and who are eager to contribute to our work. We offer opportunities for both full-time and part-time employment, and are also committed to providing valuable supervised training experiences through practicums, internships, and post-doctoral positions. If you share our passion and are looking to grow with us, we encourage you to explore potential opportunities by emailing Dr. Eiermann directly with your resume and desired role.

Third Coast Services


Service 1

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Service 2

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Service 3

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Service 4

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Service 5

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Service 6

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